Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Website Tools For Building Families: MeInATree

My goal is to raise up balanced children who know how to love others even in the midst of conflicts. To me, life isn't so much about avoiding confrontations, but about going through trials without causing damage to my relationships.

“Where two or more gathered together, there will be disagreement.” 

I was recently introduced to a newly developed website called MeInATree. I signed up without really knowing what it was all about. Thankfully, I gave the site a few minutes of my time, and created a profile for my family. I was fascinated to discover that the website would involve the whole family in family meetings called “Huddles.” In the past, a family meeting always sounded like a good idea, but never went over as well as I had imagined.

I did a test run of the huddle, and was amazed! The creators of this website definitely know what they are talking about when it comes to families. The Huddle includes every member of the family, and covers all the important areas of family living – from schedules to feelings. Family Huddle time has an all important adjustable timer, so the meetings do not drag on. Mixing serious topics, with fun topics, the mood stays light and friendly. I would tell you about our first official family huddle, but I need to honour my family and live up to the rule, “what is said in the Family Huddle, stays in the Family Huddle.”  However, I can say this: I really appreciate it because it has already helped some of the less expressive members of our family open up and feel like they are important and have something to contribute to the family.

The ethics of the website are clearly to bring unity and stability to the family.  It approaches this in a fun way. MeInATree has many features, and intends on adding a lot more. I was excited today to discover the available features on the website.  There is a lot more that I have not tried out yet, such as the opportunity for older children to type their thoughts into journals, and then to express them safely to the family.  I believe that there would be fewer broken families if they would use tools like this regularly.

I can see that this site will be productive for families of all sizes, dynamics, and ages. Even preschool kids, and possibly younger, can get involved.  
It is a great time to be alive!  What better way is there to celebrate life, than with your family?

Created by Rebecca Wilkins, daughter of social media expert and freelance writer
GT Bulmer.  Following in Daddy's footsteps!

Follow Rebecca on Twitter @mrs_r_wilkins

Update: After I posted this, Kids In Cowtown started a contest in support of this awesome program. Check it out at http://kidsincowtown.wordpress.com/2012/05/01/win-flowers-for-mothers-day-or-a-tim-hortons-coffee-card/

You can win fantastic prizes just by trying out Me In A Tree!


  1. Great article! I am recommending this to every parent that I know. It is a remarkable program that would benefit any family and it is a lot of fun too!

  2. Hello, Rebecca:

    Thanks for posting your experience and impression of MeInATree for others to contemplate. Your article is well written and very informative and personal. Sounds like an awesome site for families!

    By the way, thanks for the reference note at the bottom of your post, too! Now I am a legend in my own mind! lol

    :-) GT a.k.a "Daddy"
