Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Website Tools For Building Families: MeInATree - Part Two

It has been some time since my last post about Me In A Tree, so I figured I should write a quick update regarding the Family Website geared towards improving relationships and preserving the family unit.

My family recently went on a 10 day trip to Alberta, including a two day camping trip to BC. With a break from technology like that, it makes it a lot easier to focus on building ties within our family unit. However, I don't know about you, but I can only afford a trip like that once every year or two. Me In A Tree is a great way to refocus the family – for FREE in as little as 30 minutes per week.

Jeremy with the kids using MIAT
We connect our laptop to the TV
for better veiwing
My husband has really taken to the weekly Family Huddle, a fun family meeting which gives each family member a chance to share what is going on in their life. Now that we have been doing it for a few months, Jeremy is hooked. We go on the website almost every week and we follow the guided family huddle. Each of us get a turn to be heard. We also get to co-ordinate our schedules and refocus on the real world around us (as keeping the important things of life in focus has been a challenge for us in the past). 

How are the kids doing? They love it! Jason and Raina really enjoy getting the responsibility of their own surprise role at each Family Huddle. They also take the weekly challenges very seriously and never complain, even if it is “no TV for a week” or “no junk food for a week.” Their latest excitement is getting to add their own activities into the schedule, such as Jason's computer-time, and Raina's playing-with-ponies-time. They are really learning a lot about time management, days of the week, and more.

Having a functional family takes a lot of work, but tools like www.meinatree.com makes it fun and easier.

It's a great time to be alive!  What better way is there to celebrate life, than with your family?

Created by Rebecca Wilkins, daughter of social media expert and freelance writer
GT Bulmer.  Following in Daddy's footsteps!

Follow Rebecca on Twitter @mrs_r_wilkins and

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post! Informative and inspirational. I love how you are using Me In A Tree to strengthen your family. Great photo, too!

    GT :)
